Venue: The Council Chamber, Retford Town Hall, DN22 6DB. View directions
Contact: Simon Johnson
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor F. Merryweather.
Councillor D. Bamford was absent from the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers |
Members Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest by Members. |
Officers Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest by Officers. |
Minutes of the meetings held on: |
Minutes: Resolved that:
The Minutes of the meeting held on 14th November 2024 be approved. |
09th December 2024 (Extraordinary) Minutes: Resolved that:
The Minutes of the meeting held on 09th December 2024 be approved. |
Outstanding Minutes List Minutes: Resolved that:
The Outstanding Minutes List be received. |
Report(s) of the Director of Corporate Resources |
Treasury Management Policy and Strategy 2025-26 to 2029-30 (Key Decision No. 1092) Additional documents:
Minutes: Members received the ‘Treasury Management Policy and Strategy 2025-26 to 2029-30’.
Options, Risks and Reasons for Management Actions
As detailed in the report
Resolved that:
Members noted the ‘Treasury Management Policy and Strategy 2025-26 to 2029-30’. |
Report(s) of the Director of Corporate Resources |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members received an update report, on progress made from the audit of the annual accounts 2023-24.
Options, Risks and Reasons for Management Actions
There are no options for Members to consider at this stage. The report is presented to members for noting.
Resolved that:
Members received the ‘Audit Strategy and Completion Report 2023-24’ and ‘Auditor’s Annual Reports 2022-23 and 2023-24’, noting the actions taken or to be taken. |
Internal Audit Progress Report - February 2025 Additional documents: Minutes: Members received an update report, on progress made from the ‘Internal Audit Plan 2024-25’, providing a summary on the results of Internal Audit work to date.
In discussion of this item, Councillor C. Troop requested that the appreciation of the committee to the Housing Service be recorded, for achieving an Audit Opinion of ‘Substantial Assurance’.
Furthermore, in discussion of this item, the Committee requested that it would be useful for them to receive training in understanding the requirements and results of an Internal Audit Progress Report.
Options, Risks and Reasons for Management Actions
The management actions are contained within each individual report. Officers and management have the option to not agree with the management action; however, this must be because of a valid operational and practical reason. The risks can be varied and therefore it is important that weaknesses are addressed as soon as practically possible.
Resolved that:
Members received the ‘Internal Audit Plan 2024-25’ and noted the actions taken or to be taken. |
Internal Audit Plan 2025-26 Additional documents: Minutes: Members received the ‘Internal Audit Plan 2025-26’ for consideration and approval.
Options, Risks and Reasons for Management Actions
The audits proposed for the year are detailed within the Internal Audit Plan. Members have the option to not agree with the plan.
Resolved that:
Members received and approved the ‘Internal Audit Plan 2025-26’. |
Corporate Risk Management Quarter 3 2024-25 Additional documents: Minutes: Members received an update report on the current level of assurance that can be provided against each of the identified corporate risks.
In discussion of this item, the committee requested that future quarterly reports include a preceding 12 or 18 month ‘snapshot’ view, as comparator to the quarterly update received. It was also noted that the new format of reporting risk (introduced in April 2024), had both improved the monitoring and Members’ awareness of the key risks of the Council.
Options, Risks and Reasons for Recommendations
This report is provided to Members for information and consideration. Members may wish the Council to consider other perceived risks as deemed appropriate.
Resolved that:
Members noted the progress on actions identified within the Corporate Risk Register. |
Contract Procedure Rules 2025 Additional documents: Minutes: Members received an amended issue of the ‘Contract Procedure Rules 2025 (Rules), for consideration and approval for referral to Council on 27th February 2025.
Options, Risks and Reasons for Management Actions
The Council is required by law to amend its Contract Procedure Rules to encompass the changes to the Procurement regulations as this is a change in the governing regulations, implementing the changes brought about by the Procurement Act 2023. and will ensure that procurement and contracting requirements are lawfully delivered.
Resolved that:
1. Members referred the Contract Procedure Rules 2025 (Appendix A) to Full Council for incorporation into the Council’s Constitution. 2. Members noted the supplementary guidance being developed to support Officers with the implementation of the Act. |
Any other business which the Chair considers to be urgent Minutes: As there was no other urgent business, the Chair closed the meeting. |